Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Speed of Light

We all know Speed of Light is 3 lakh km/sec in our School and college books it also says the speed of light was calculated by the scientists in the West.

In fact the ancient indians has calculated it centuries before it was mentioned in a slokha of Sayanacharya
it is as stated

Here in the Slokha the words Yojana and Nimesha are the units of Distance and Time of Ancient times

The Yojana=9 miles and Nimesha=0.21333 Seconds

Underlined text is number 2202

2202 X 9 = 19818

1 nimesha = 0.21333 seconds

1/2 nimesha = 0.10665 seconds

Speed=Distance / Time =19818/0.10665=185822 miles/second=299044 km/s

Square Root

The Method to find Square root was mentioned in the book called Aryabhatiyam written by the famous indian astronomer and a mathematician Aryabhatta.

Divide the Non-square place by twice the Square Root of the Square place, then subtract the Square from the next Square place.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ancient Aeronautical Engineering

Do you know that ancient india has the Great knowledge in aeronautical engineering.It is true that there is a book written by Bharadhwaj describing different types of flying machines,the methods,the metal required to build it and also has the some rules that should be followed by the pilot (Food & excercises).
It also states about rockets and anti gravity space crafts that can be used to travel between planets.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pythagoras Theorem

Many people don't know that Ancient indians used pythagoras theorem before pythagoras was born.yes you heard it right it was Baudhayana who proposed this in his book Baudhayana Srautasutra.

"dirghasyaksanaya rajjuh parsvamani, tiyadam mani,cha yapthagbhute kurutastadubhayan karoti"

Translation : The diagonal of a rectangle produces by itself both produced separately by its two sides.

Ancient India

The Ancient India is rich for its culture,civilization and science and technology.Many of us don't know that Ancient india has a great science .what the ancient people used to follow has some science in it.Most of the inventions in modren age has been already quoted in our ancient books.
Proud to be an Indian.